Monday, June 14, 2010

Tanja (21) cried to Mario († 23): "This was not self-defense"

Cologne -
The drama of jealousy Bocklemünd. Pierre (22), the rival Mario († 23) stabbed, was released.
The police hold self-defense possible. Now the woman spoke to the two quarreled.
Tanja S. (21): "Both loved me madly. Pierre has killed Mario. "
The lovely Tanya struggles to maintain composure. She cries for her Mario. "I loved him, we wanted a child, now he is dead" and she's afraid: for her ex-boyfriend, the stabber is again at large.
Tuesday night was' the mad jealous Mario entered her apartment, because Pierre was visiting, to visit their son Jason (2).
Before Pierre took refuge on the balcony, he went to his jacket, took out something, she says. "That must have been the knife." Mario came in the door, jumped after a rival, came out to fight, stabbed during which Pierre Mario.
For Tanya P. is the case clearly: with Pierre, she was one and a half years together, they've fallen in love with Mario. Pierre had never coped with the separation, are continuously reported.
"He spoke repeatedly of a knife with a barb with which he wanted to kill Mario." On the Tatabend Mario also had pronounced death threats.
The stabber was arrested on the spot, in the evening but was released due to lack of suspicion again. The EXPRESS Tanja shows a text message he sent shortly after his release Wednesday night: "Tanya I'm sorry everything was full of really not," he writes tersely.
"There is evidence that self-defense could come into consideration," said chief prosecutor, Alf Willwacher. The further investigation should arise.