Thursday, May 20, 2010

Office building evacuated - because the fridge stank

San Francisco - these employees smelled the job - in the truest sense of the word! Dozens of employees in an office tower in San Jose had to be evacuated - because a fridge stank!
Because of acute nausea vonSanitätern 28 people were treated, seven had to be even taken to hospital. The newspaper reported the San Jose Mercury News on Wednesday.
50Feuerwehrleute that were angerückt after an emergency could, dasGebäude evacuate more than 300 employees in case.
Cause of the general alarm was dieReinigung a small office refrigerator. A cleaning woman had parked in a conference room verdorbenenSpeisereste, zusäubern to the fridge. Fortunately for the cleaning lady: she had a nose job recently and could not perform even the ekelerregendenGestank. When cleaning, they used chemicals that nochverstärkten the smell.
When a second employee with a weiterenReinigungsmittel rushed to help, it was `the real thing," said firefighter Barry Stallard of the newspaper. When diemysteriösen gases spread in the office, struck an employee alarm.
More fug-stories: stink bombs attack on the district court> plane diverted because of flatulence! >