Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daems-comeback against the wolves?

Mönchengladbach -
At least one important insight brought Borussia 0-1 Test defeat to kick-Arnhem: Captain Filip Daems is back!
The Belgians came nearly three months after a medial ligament tear in his knee the first time a mid-term long used - and his knee was. "To a great feeling to be back. I have no more problems. Now I just have to reappraise some force in the right leg, then I'm the old man again, "beamed the captain after a successful return.
Even coach Michael Frontzeck breathed: "My impression of Philip was very positive. After a long injury break, he was already very stable. "The 45-year-old knows exactly how important is Daems for his team:" Filip is our captain - it's all said. He is a 100 percent professional, with his presence alone makes for stability. If he returns as soon as possible, that would be a good thing. "
Quickly in this case could have meant next Sunday against Wolfsburg. "We put together Thursday and consider what is best. He must feel, back to 100 percent to be fit, "said Frontzeck. Daems, "I will use the seven days. Whether it's enough for one use to be seen. "

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Office building evacuated - because the fridge stank

San Francisco - these employees smelled the job - in the truest sense of the word! Dozens of employees in an office tower in San Jose had to be evacuated - because a fridge stank!
Because of acute nausea vonSanitätern 28 people were treated, seven had to be even taken to hospital. The newspaper reported the San Jose Mercury News on Wednesday.
50Feuerwehrleute that were angerückt after an emergency could, dasGebäude evacuate more than 300 employees in case.
Cause of the general alarm was dieReinigung a small office refrigerator. A cleaning woman had parked in a conference room verdorbenenSpeisereste, zusäubern to the fridge. Fortunately for the cleaning lady: she had a nose job recently and could not perform even the ekelerregendenGestank. When cleaning, they used chemicals that nochverstärkten the smell.
When a second employee with a weiterenReinigungsmittel rushed to help, it was `the real thing," said firefighter Barry Stallard of the newspaper. When diemysteriösen gases spread in the office, struck an employee alarm.
More fug-stories: stink bombs attack on the district court> plane diverted because of flatulence! >

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Assauer stänkert already against Magath

Gelsenkirchen - Schalke as manager Rudi Assauer led to major achievements, in 1997 UEFA Cup winners and 2001 as in 2002 DFB Cup.
That his royal blue club future lies primarily in the hands of Felix Magath, he looks skeptical.
Assauer to EXPRESS: "Felix Magath in Wolfsburg has great success - whether the can continue to Schalke, to be seen. Three such important posts in one hand? Managers, coaches and board? This works fine in Wolfsburg, but I do not think it at Schalke shall pass. I could in my time as Schalke manager certainly never complain about work. "
A first point against Magath - will it be the new Big Boss must get used to the club district.
Find out more: why Magath has had enough of VfL> Poker on the farm>

Friday, May 7, 2010

Photo finish chaos - Campbell wins

Osaka - In a historic nail-biting finale has the print VeronicaCampbell at the IAAF World Championships in Osaka-crown pulled her to him.
The Jamaican won in Osaka Montagin about 100 meters in 11.01 seconds with einemWimpernschlag-edge and thus the deposed zeitgleicheTitelverteidigerin Lauryn Williams.
Carmelita Jeter (also USA) was back as a third party only one-hundredth.
It was the knappsteMedaillenentscheidung that there was ever at world championships undOlympischen games.
Tension was breathless after the finish of the sprinters, besides Nagai Stadium: The Zielfotozeigte Campbell, Williams and Jeter par. In Computernpurzelten the numbers and times just so confused. Only führteTorri Edwards (USA), then there were suddenly 200-meter Olympic champion Campbell and Williams jointly topped.
When the Endergebnisdann lit up on the scoreboard, which spurted Jamaikanerinnoch los once - on the lap of honor.
"Although we are the result of the photo finish did not know, wussteich that I have a top speed and a strong Endspurthatte," said Campbell. `This medal means a great viel.Der world title I am still in my collection."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Poland stole Fischer Navi

Berlin - Celebrities without bearing: A brazen gang of thieves has stolen ex-foreign minister Joschka Fischer (60) from his navigation of the luxury sedan.
Even actress Yvonne Catterfeld (28) was robbed. She had the three suspects now even in the courtroom, sitting opposite.
Joschka Fischer had his Audi A4 in the Berlin suburb of Grunewald make parked, as the gang of thieves on the 18th September 2007 under cover of night was advancing, let the lock go with the sedan-turned and Navi and airbags.
Fischer has not as a witness vorgeladen.Ganz unlike Yvonne Catterfeld, the second celebrity victim. For the 28-year-old, it is the first appearance in a courtroom. The actress has been taken, the judge describes exactly what took place in May 2007.
Actually, Yvonne had in fact thought that she had parked her silver Audi A3 to send in a safe area: North train station in Berlin-Mitte. Compared to a club. Bouncer in front. Yvonne wanted to travel, just for a few days.
As she later puts into the limousine: "I looked into a black hole with cables." The permanently installed navigation system is gone. "Everything built very carefully, without a scratch," says the actress. The three suspected car Cracker Grzegorz K. (41), Roman S. (29) and Peter P. (36) do not flinch in the court.
In addition to Yvonne's Navi made the three probably go with a digital camera and some tapes from inside the car. The hot product of the three poles have long since verkauft.32 minutes Elliman said in court, they had their first real criminals behind them.